
Spelling B.

Last week, my co-worker and I were in a spelling bee. It was my third time participating. I just love it - I've always been a good speller and since there really isn't money to be made in Spelling, I have to settle for the yearly Bee to get my jollies. This year, however, was wrought with scandal. In the sixth round, the "pronouncer" misprounced our word. He was corrected by the judges but we had already made up our minds as to how we were going to spell the word. Thus, we were eliminated. But it was a proud showing for us (my personal best out of the 3 years!), leaving approximately 20 out of 32 teams in our wake.

For ever more, I will know how to spell "nihilism". Pronounced nigh-el-ism. NOT knee-el-ism. Ass.


Amber said...

That pronouncer was an ass.

Still, I'm proud to have been on your team. You made a great save with 'etymology' and for that you should be commended.

Malissa said...

that is awesome that you did so well, and NOT so awesome that the pronouncer sucked. as a self-proclaimed spelling champ, i realize that you will FOREVER remember this word. my "word" is dagger, from 6th grade. my pronouncer made it sound like dagg-AR. nice.

Iris Took said...

Has that fool ever seen "The Big Lebowski?" Apparently not.

Ky • twopretzels.com said...

HUGE boo to the pronouncer.