Looks like I better devote my serious Nesting tendencies to the bathroom next.
So, 33 weeks. Feelin' good. It's pretty crazy to be lying on the couch with a t-shirt, sweatshirt and blanket on and notice the blanket move when she kicks! Someone's got some powerful legs/arms/elbows/knees/head/behind in there.
Lately I've been super thirsty. I even drank two glasses of milk this morning - that never happens. And I have the co-worker who brought in donuts to thank for that. See, donuts are a good thing, they promote milk drinking! I see a definite co-marketing campaign there.
The nursery is 98% complete! And is 100% cute! (Aside from the rocker recliner we got from La-Z-boy. Who it turns out, is actually lazy and is completely devoid of customer service skills. Don't get either one of us started on the experience we've had dealing with them. It ain't pretty. I expected better.) But I shall try and take some photos of that. It's probably my favorite room in the house. I just sit in there and stare at things and contemplate how different life will be in 45 days, give or take.
Holy moly.
Last night was Childbirth class #2.
There was a lot of talk about contractions. I'm still not convinced that I'll know what a contraction is. (I'm sure there's lots of moms out there chuckling at me right now.) But I have yet to understand how they will feel and I wonder if I've experienced any at this point? The teacher said that everything will get hard, I may have felt that, but with the rock-hard abs I had already, who's to say? (Now I'm chuckling.)
You know what's amazing to me? The irony of the miraculous and beautiful experience of having child coupled with some of the nastiest bodily functions one can produce. I don't like to think of it like that, but we saw some disturbing videos last night and I can't not think about it. I hope that goes away.
Aside from all of that, there was some serious drama with a couple in the class. A couple who, last week, was all schmoopie schmoopie with each other got into a big 'ole fight this week. I didn't hear what went down, but it started when she moved her seat away from his. Then they didn't get up and do the "labor dance" that we were taught. Then she left the room and he didn't follow. After a while, he got up and left and the teacher wondered if she was ok, and that maybe she was in labor in the bathroom. (She's old and sweet.) A few minutes went by and we heard her crying and screaming at this guy in the hallway. Couldn't really make out what she was saying but it didn't sound good. He came back in, got their pillow and blanket, and did not return. Eeks. Wonder if they'll be back next week?
So that was class #2 - contractions, bodily fluids, and drama. Oh, and more chirping birds. Next week we take a field trip through the hospital.
33 weeks already!? That flew by! You must post pics of the nursery!
Before they were born, I would go into their nursery and play the music on their mobiles. I also would take books in there and read in the evenings. I remember thinking how quiet and peaceful it was, but soon I knew it would be crazy! (good crazy!)
You look lovely- seriously!
It's so crazy how fast the time passes. I know exactly what you mean about worrying if you will know what a contraction feels like. Oh and I can vouch for the "labor dance" being very helpful!
oh yeah and I was thinking, if you ever want to talk about birth stuff (or anything!), feel free to email me at electrikkitty at hotmail dot com.
Yeah, I suppose some of the things we are learning will make much more sense in the moment, but last night the "labor dance" felt like a junior high dance.
33 weeks has FLOWN by! It's hard to believe. I will actually be 34 weeks tomorrow.
Oh, the field trip is so fun!! I love seeing all the babies in the nursery.
I never had a contraction with my daughter until it was time. Everyone always told me that I was probably having them and didn't know it (because people ALWAYS like to think they know your body better than you do). Well, when I finally started having contractions...umm...let's just say I knew. ;-) You'll know. Don't worry.
p.s. You look great for 33 weeks!
I'm beyond excited for the next 6 weeks to pass quickly!
Other highlights from week 2:
1) The comment that the baby may poop inside my wife.(Ok, she said bowel movement in the uterus. My way is better.)
2) The realization that the various stages of labor are named after the finishing places in a horse race. There's showing and placing and effacing and dilating. For a guy whose whole world is wordsmithing, this is something.
3) Being told that it's called labor because it's hard. If it wasn't hard, we would apparently call it "picnic". PICNIC. You can't make this stuff up.
4)How culturally diverse the various birthing videos were. A white couple, a black couple, and an asian lady whose husband/mate was camera shy. The only time he appeared was when he mysteriously emerged from the ether to cut the cord before scuttling away.
5) Two words: birthing bar.
What happened to DB? Did he drop out?
What the hell is a birthing bar? Do you get to go there after birth and drink?
This is like a foreign language to those of us childless persons.
Good luck guys!
Mickey D you look adorable and your haircut is supa cute.
Nope, DB was there. He just wasn't spewing a lot of his comments. He talked a lot but didn't say anything noteworthy.
Haha, Iris! The birthing bar is something that you can use to help in labor. It goes over the bed and you hold onto it to squat down in the bed. Apparently it's supposed to be the best way to have a baby because they are pointing downward already and can "shoot out" easier :) Trust me, I had no idea what it was either until this class, so don't feel bad. Your idea sounds like tons more fun though!
Thanks everyone for your kind words!
I'll be sure to take some nursery pics this weekend to post.
1. You look beautiful.
2. I'm so excited that the nursery is coming along. I, like the others, cannot WAIT to see photos.
3. I had no idea what a contraction was. No idea. They didn't "hurt" until the crap hit the fan. And then, ohmyohmyohmy... I knew it.
4. This one's for MD2 - C. tells me that the minute Lila came out, she went #2. THANK GOD that didn't occur inside her home for 39 weeks.
5. I'm laughing about that poor couple. Can you imagine? Getting into a fight at birthing class? EEK. They're going to be a dynamic duo in the labor room.
I CANNOT WAIT FOR THE BIRTH OF THIS CHILD. Ok, I can wait and I will... I'm just saying... I'm excited.
**I'd also like to add that I cannot WAIT to hear this baby girl's name.
Wow! You are sooooo close to being a mommy:) Yay! You look great:)
Totally feel ya on the whole contraction thing. I didn't realize I had been having Braxton Hicks contractions until we were at the OBGYN for a regular appointment and the Doc said, "Oh, you're having a contraction right now." I had been having them for a while but had no idea! (I thought it was the baby moving somehow. Embarrassing but true. Hehehe.)
Your child birth class sounds like a hoot!
First, You look amazing!
2) I can not believe how far along you are! It is so close and I can not wait to meet Baby (whose name I can't wait to hear) D.
C: Since I got a sneak peek of your little girls room I have to say it is pretty darn fabulous! I really really liked it and I think Baby D. will love it.
Finally - Seeing your hair in person the other day, I must say it is a TOTALLY adorable hair style!
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