

When last we left the fantastic foursome, they were on their way to a lovely baseball game up north to celebrate the birth of the eldest member of the foursome...

Scene: We find the fantastic foursome in a less-than-desirable flat tire situation on a major thoroughfare at approximately 11:00 p.m. Location: unknown. But we think somewhere near an exit titled, #18.

Suddenly, the Bat Signal flared, the adrenaline kicked in and the Flying Fiance was off! He was dodging traffic, toting tires, rattling off the names of tools that he needed like a surgeon demanding a scalpel from the nurse, throwing around lugnuts and jackhammers or some such. All the while maintaining a certain sense of calmness that allowed my 'rents and I to remain unpaniced as well. It was impressive. I was proud.

Due to his unimaginable superhero strength, he was able to bend steel and we were unable to complete the task alone. We called for reinforcements and were escorted home in the back of the car in the back of a tow truck. Alas, all was not lost. Our hero was victorious.

This lesson to be learned here is this: Heroes don't get flustered, boys and girls. It is always best to stay calm. Getting upset and pissy does not make the situation disappear, it only begets more stress. For all. This is definitely something this viewer learned.

Until next time, friends...


Amber said...

What a way with words!

Sarah said...

fantastic story...

...remember that one time, when the power outlet in my batmobile didn't work and this hero started playing under my hood? Just so he could plug in his computer?

He's good.

Maybe he's not really a lawyer, maybe he's really an auto-mechanic. :)

Ky • twopretzels.com said...

He's a keeper.
SUCH a keeper.