I just heard that tag is being banned on school playgrounds during recess. Yes, tag. And here are the reasons why:
1. Risk of injury. (such as falling down)
2. Potential for inappropriate touching.
3. Kids are of varying sizes and may tag someone too hard.
Your thoughts?
Are you kidding?!!@!!! What has this world come to?!
so, ban tag, and then these kids aren't going to find some other sort of physical, perhaps with large potential for injury, thing to do at recess? right.
Definitely ban tag.
Instead, let's wrangle all of the kiddies into the gym during recess, supply them with barcaloungers, recliners, personal flat-panel TVs and let them play video games ALL.DAY.LONG.
This way, they all can get fatter, lazier and won't get hurt.
HAHAHA!! nice Kylee!
I agree - banning tag is just stupid. Let the kids be outside and play and just be kids. Kids are already growing up way too fast and it seems like overprotective parents are not letting their kids enjoy their youth! ridiculous!
try as they might, no one will ever officially ban Tag. unless schools EVER have enough funding (which they NEVER WILL) to supply each child their own personal Recess Aide on the playground, kids will still play tag.
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