
Are your fingers cramping up yet?

All of you who are currently sitting there with your fingers, and whatever other flexible body parts you may have, crossed, can stop. It's officially official - the HOUSE.IS.SOLD!

Well, according to our realtor, as long as the guy doesn't get hit by a bus, the HOUSE.IS.SOLD. I'd like to make a personal request to the buyer that he stay inside for the next week to avoid any such awful occurence. I hope that's not selfish of me.

I simply cannot believe it. What an enormous weight this is off of our shoulders. We will finally be a one-mortgage family!*

Closing will be next Friday. And I must admit it will be a bittersweet day for me. I bought it with the intention of living there for no more than 7 years, which is why I got a 7-year balloon, so I knew it wasn't my lifelong home. But it was MY home. I bought it, I decorated it, I mowed the lawn and planted flowers and pulled weeds, I painted it, I loved it, I cursed it, I was proud of it. So it will be a sad goodbye, tears will be shed. No doubt about it.

But I am happy that we are moving forward and won't have the burden of our 'summer home' to worry about. And my Dad can retire as lawn boy since he was gracious enough to take over after I moved out. It'll be nice to live our life in the home we are currently creating and possibly have a little more freedom to do so. And we'll get to buy that pair of jeans I've been wanting.

So thank you all for your well wishes, prayers and happy thoughts, they were very much appreciated. Now, let's celebrate!

*At least until we buy that timeshare in Hawaii that we really wanted.


MD said...

The bubbly is on ice toots. Viva la Steinbauer!

Amber said...

While I'm excited for you, I'm sad that I can no longer tell my friends about my friend 'with a summer home'. That made me sound cool.

Wrestling Kitties said...

YAY!!!! How exciting! I am so happy that after you say your goodbyes, this will not have to be a worry anymore.

P.S. I swear I actually saw MD skip here at work b/c he was so excited!

Traci said...

that is great! congrats!!!! :)

Ky • twopretzels.com said...

First off, YAY! YAY! YAY!

Secondly, aw. This is somewhat nostalgic...

SOOOO many memories.

Shall we recall my statement to you that fateful day at work? "Uh, hi. I think we're neighbors."

And so it began.

(I have the chills.)

I thank God for 2653 Tully.

And I am SO happy that this weight has been lifted from yours and MD's (and your Dad's) shoulders!

Buy yourself a pair of shoes!

MD said...

That's great, TP, but who the hell lives at 2653 Tully? And why do you love them? Michelle lived at 2643 ;).

Hilary said...

WOooooooWOooooooo! One mortgage feels So goood, doesn't it??? Congrats!

Sarah said...

So exciting. I'm a little sad too. It offically means we're living further apart than we ever have (not counting college times).

But, this is fabulous really, I'm sorry it took so long.


Ky • twopretzels.com said...

Oops. Typing error.

Thanks for ruining my sentimentality, md.


MD said...

That's what I'm here for :)


Iris Took said...

YAY! Congrats!!

Ky • twopretzels.com said...

md - yes I know. :-)


Malissa said...

YAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY! i think you need to post pics of all the jeans and shoes and bubbly you indulge yourself with! ; ) congrats!