Photos shot using the finest underwater disposable camera one can buy at the local Cayman grocery store.
Actually, this one was spotted "in the wild" when we were snorkeling before we got to Stingray City. So dangerous! MD sacrified his life to get this photo. Only not so much.

See, she was kissing them. It was kinda odd, I was a little uncomfortable. But they seemed to enjoy it.
so cool. now i want to go back to Grand Cayman! :)
Seriously, that is SO flipp'n cool!! Those things are huge! crazy
And I agree, that makeout session picture - um awkward! Get a room lady ;)
Way cool and great pics!
FUN! That was a disposable camera? I am astounded and impressed!
That is amazing! How fun. I love animals!!
Are they really called a gaggle of stingrays?
Very cool! Those are great pictures from a disposable underwater camera.
"Me holding one. Look how huge that sucker is."
That's what she said.
Oh I really set myself up on that one, didn't I? Ha!
I have no idea if they are a called a gaggle, I just like the word.
A group of stingrays is referred to as a "fever".
Consider some knowledged dropped.
I've got a fever. And the only cure is more stingrays.
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