
Ahh, memories.

Since I am in the family way, I've been thinking a lot about nice family traditions that I'd either like to start or continue.

So I pose this question to you:
What is your favorite family tradition? Either one that you've started or one that you did with your family.

I'm looking for ideas to steal. So make 'em good!


Erika Jean said...

My mom always puts those chocolate gold coins in our stockings at Christmas (along with a bunch of other travel size stuff). It's something so silly, but something me and my sisters always look forward to - and yes we are grown and still get the coins ;-)

Sarah said...

That comment made me think of our coins we get in our stockings as well. It started with my Uncle Tom, giving all of his nieces and nephews and ounce of silver every christmas. Once he stopped, my mom took over. I've got a bagful of silver ounces now - and got one for our wedding - each with the year on it. I love looking at them every christmas and remembering that specific year.

lisa said...

every christmas eve my mom gave us one gift before bed- pjs! Then our stocking would be put beside our bed for when we awoke in the am...loved that! my boys are 9 & 6 and they cherish those same memories now....that and we are huge christmas light decorators! Every year now they get more excited than I do about getting out the lights and decorating the tree!

Wrestling Kitties said...

Over the last few years T & I have been trying to take some of our own family traditions and see how we can continue or change them to make them our own.

As for family traditions we have a few we do at Christmas time.

One that I want to carry on for our kids is the pickle at Christmas. I may have mentioned this before. My parents will hid the pickle ornament in the tree and K & I run downstairs and the first to find it gets an extra present! It is usually a dvd or cd. It is fun, though maybe not good for young kids because fighting could follow...that or a tree following over :)

I also liked how my parents would have Christmas music playing when we woke up and would make us hot chocolate first thing in the morning. (or coffee as we got older). They set the mood before we even woke up and it just felt like Christmas.

We also have a santa's hat and each year a different member of the family plays santa and is in charge of passing out the gifts!

Sarah said...

(I love and hate how this all turned to Christmas)

How come we don't have traditions at other times of the year? Boo!

Mickey D. said...

Sarah, you took the words right out of my mouth.

As much as I love Christmas time, I was hoping that someone had one that wasn't Christmas related.

Wrestling Kitties said...

I thought the same thing, I tried for an hour before I posted this thinking of family traditions other than for christmas that we have and i couldn't think of anything. :(

I know we have some but I just don't necessarily recognize them as traditions because they are just things we do with out thinking and they are not really labeled as a "tradition". (if that makes sense) The only time we really have noticable traditions are around the holidays.

Seriously, since I read this post this morning I have been trying to think of things....I may need to call home :)

Hilary said...

We make birthdays a big deal! Still! On your day, you get to have whatever you want for dinner, and everyone gets together for it, and its all about you. We still do this, and it is still as important now as it was when i was 8 :)