
Keep your hands off!

I was watching my beloved "Good Morning America" this morning, for which we installed a television in our bathroom so that I could watch as I'm getting ready. That's how much I love it. Plus it's super cool to have a flat screen tv in your bathroom...you should look into it.

In any event, they were talking about cold and flu germs and how you can take precautions against them this season. For one thing, they said to avoid touching your face. The average person touches their face approximately 19 TIMES AN HOUR! Think about that. Think about all the things you touch in an hour and then think about touching your face after that. Gag.

They also reported that children are better about washing their hands than adults. They wash them more thoroughly and for a longer amount of time. I witness on a daily basis adults who don't even bother to get their hands wet after going to the bathroom. It's part of the reason I avoid using the restrooms at my place of business. These people are pigs. Luckily I live across the street from work so if I need to go that badly, I drive home. For serious.

And something else I found interesting. You know that thoughtful person who brings donuts in for all to enjoy? I do love a good donut surprise! But leaving them on a counter for everyone to walk up to and breathe all over is actually spreading tons of bacteria. So if you are going to enjoy that donut, be the first one to take yours and try to avoid going back for seconds. Because the remaining donuts - which are usually jelly-filled anyway, blech - are ridden with germs. This is also why at potlucks, I like to be the first person through the line. Not only because I want to be the first to stuff my face, but because I want to avoid eating 25 people's germs.

I don't know if pregnancy is making me extra-cautious about germs and the flu, but I am taking a strong stand to protect myself this season.

And I'm pretty sure I've touched my face 4 times in the time it took me to type this post. Now, I shall go home and wash my hands and face and perhaps soak in an antibacterial sanitizer bubble bath.


Sassytimes said...

When I was pregnant and working full-time, I was extra aware of how disgusting people were regarding washing their hands. It was amazing to me how many people just left the restroom without washing at all. Disgusting!!!

I also noticed how many people rub their noses during the day...yeh, I was crazy about germs at the time. ;) I kept a bottle of Purell on my desk and probably used it more than necessary.

Jamie said...

i've never washed my hands more than now that we have a newborn. it makes me think about all those other times before this that i probably didn't wash my hands and should have. gross!

Dri said...

This is a timely post. THREE people in my office of FIVE are sick this week. Cold, sneezing, fever, etc. Luckily, two of the three have stayed home, but the third... well, let's just say I'm TOTALLY avoiding her. Because of all of this sickness, I've started noticing just how often I itch my eye, put a pen in my mouth, rest my hand on my cheek. Eeeeewwww.

On a completely related note - our office needed to cut cost and decided to go green, so we stopped purchasing paper towels a couple of weeks ago for the bathrooms and replaced them with terry cloth hand towels. Okay, really? That's just gross - especially now that everyone is sick.

My thought process when getting done going to the bathroom now? Flush, open the door, turn out the light and repeat my "Don't touch your face, don't touch your face" mantra until I get to my desk and can use hand sanitizer liberally.

Malissa said...

thanks for bringing these issues to our awareness.
ok, one thing, do you drive home if you have to pee? what about with the baby pushing on your bladder? are you driving home every 14 minutes or simply holding it for 8 hours? i'm a concerned blog reader!!

freckleface said...

I do not do potlucks! We had one at the hospital I worked at and I was glad I was off that day.
I have a phobia of public restrooms. I will hold it as long as I can! When my kids have to go, and they always do, I go into panic mode.
On a side note the bathroom TV is AWESOME!

Sad Panda said...

I was going to keep track of how many times I touch my face during the next hour. But I'm terrified of finding out the true number...

Iris Took said...

1) Flat screen in the bathroom is amazing! That is a new goal for me. You D's sure know how to live.

2) I was sitting with my chin in my hands reading your post and snapped out of it and immediately applied hand sanitizer. Thank you.

Kristi said...

Thanks MD. I now vow to be a better hand washer!

Kristi said...

And.... "N" will never ever use a public restroom. He always drives home too!