
My fortune is just out of reach.

Is it just me or do ATM machines cater to people in SUVs now? I pulled up to my local ATM yesterday and I could not reach the card slot without putting my car in park, taking off my seatbelt and hanging half of my body out the window. The guy in front of me got out of his car all together. I have a VW Jetta so it's not like I'm driving one of those little red Shriner cars from parades or anything (which I love, btw).

I hope I'm not shrinking in my old age.


Wrestling Kitties said...

ugh, you are so right about this.

Even with my long monkey arms I have difficulty reaching the ATM Machine. I go to a certain one in BG b/c I can actually get my car close to it, but the other ones I can't get close in my car so then I have to "go-go gadget" my arms to actually reach the machine.

Traci said...

well, i drive a mini van (yes, in fact i AM a soccer mom. haha). and sometimes, i have to put it in park, take off the seatbelt and lean out. i'm not sure what's going on with that.

WK: go-go gadget! hahaha.

Sad Panda said...

Yeah, this is a true annoyance. I don't have my own car, but if I'm driving in my mom's Oldsmobile, I have difficulty at the ATM machine as well.

And then it seems at the ATM machines where you walk up to it, they are low to the ground to accommodate shorter people (I'm almost 5'10"). Who are these short people driving huge vehicles?!

Ky • twopretzels.com said...

You are not old.

In MX we don't have "drive up" ATMs. They're all "walk ups". As in park your car, walk to it.


Iris Took said...

You are right! I have a Jeep now, so I am cool. In my beetle, this was a SEVERE problem.