
Churches are clever.

I am such a fan of the message boards outside of churches. I think the people who put those messages out there are super clever. I almost always chuckle at them and think they're quite funny. One that I've seen recently says this:

"Let's meet at my house Sunday before the big game"
- God

The message is clear and cute. Perhaps its my line of work that makes me appreciate these, but I really do think that churches really have a good handle on cleverness. God has a good sense of humor. I appreciate that.


Wrestling Kitties said...

That message is so funny!!! HAHAHA meet at Gods house - clever!

I agree!!! I LOVE to see cute little messages on the Church boards! Is there a website to find these cute sayings for churches or do the cute old men and women make these up? how funny!!! M. you should totally go into church message board marketing!

Sarah said...

Love it.

There is a church I pass on my way to work. The sign posted near the parking lot says

"Thou Shalt Not Double Park"

I laugh every day!

Ky • twopretzels.com said...

I love these, too.


Try googling, "Funny church signs" and you'll come up with a bunch. I was loving them.

I liked, "Read the Bible, it will scare the hell out of you."


Malissa said...

i did not appreciate:
Turn or Burn - Have a nice day.....or......
God reads knee-mail.
(i have too sick of a mind to appreciate it i guess)