I ask you: Is it possible to walk into Target and leave without spending less than $50?? Cause I can't seem to do it.
A simple jaunt to my favorite all-in-one store left me $76.24 poorer. And I just laughed at myself. Those Target people are SMAR-ART, they really know how to appeal to the consumer in me, even when I just need 5 simple items, they some how find a way to keep me in the store for over an hour and convince me to purchase multiple items (I had to trade-in the basket I had for a cart), including a frozen pizza?? Why the hell do I need a frozen pizza from Target?? I dunno, but I got one.
Somebody over there really knows what they are doing. Target is consumer crack. And I LOVE it!
HAHAHAHA - M you are SO right!! This is SO true! A pizza??? - awesome!
I went in last week to get two items: a $3 box of thank you cards and a $3 card for my friend. I left 60 some dollars poorer :( I ended up finding myself in the travel product sections and found just about EVERYTHING i would need for an emergency wedding kit! I also found some cute B-Day gifts for my friend in those dollar bins! It is cool when your most expensive item you buy is $3 - I thought I got alot for my money! At least I have the most AWESOME wedding emergency kit EVER - now I just hope we don't use it!!
P.S. - I ended walking out forgetting to get the card!!!
you are right, it's like a disease. what did we do without Target, i really don't know?!?!
i loathe the fact that i live in a small-town - with the nearest Target in Toledo(45 minutes away), but it does save me a significant amount of money on a monthly (and weekly) basis.
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