
Let the Season Begin!

Last night we had our kick-off bowling season league meeting. That's right, I'm in a bowling league. What??

I thoroughly enjoy bowling. And I won't apologize for it. At first it was just something that my friends and I thought would be fun to do (this is our second year), but now I find myself eating and breathing bowling and getting tres excited for the season to start. I don't think it's possible to have a bad time bowling. It's just a fun, silly game where you wear butt-ugly shoes and drink and laugh with your friends. What's not to like??

Just to show you how hardcore our team is, one of my friends/teammates is 5 1/2 months pregnant and is still bowling! And plans on bowling right up until the end!

We bowl every other Tuesday, which is nice. It gives us time to miss it in between and not get too overwhelmed with the obligation of going every week. Although every time we're there we always say that we wish we did it every week. :)

The season officially starts next Tuesday. Super fun! Wish me luck!


Wrestling Kitties said...


This always sounded like SO much fun!!! I always have fun bowling - even though I suck! It is a blast! :-)

I hope your team kicks some ass this year!!

Sarah said...


I'll miss you guys...please call me to sub!

Ky • twopretzels.com said...

Huh, I responded to this but it must not have worked! Sad.

What I was going to say - is HOW FUN! If ever you want to use my ball - you can. It's a lot of fun.

Malissa said...

good luck! this sounds like a ton of fun! enjoy.