
Midwestern Girl for Life.

Today is one of those days that I love. It's cold, but not windy, and sunny. It's just one of those days where you can smell the crisp, clean fresh air. It gets into your lungs but it feels nice. It's also one of those days where I appreciate the above description as I walk to my car in the parking lot, but then can't wait to get home and snuggle by a fire and stay the hell out of it!

This may not make sense to anyone other than me, but I like the way food tastes when you've just taken a bite and then happen to open a door or step outside. It's like the true flavor comes alive. I certainly don't take a bite and then stick my head outside, but it happens sometimes and every time it does I say, "ooh, that was enjoyable!"

I will never move to a warm climate. It's not for me. I need days like today.


Iris Took said...

There definately is something about the crispness, clean-ness of the cold air. It's almost as if it could break. I think that is when nature amazes me the most.

Although I am totally over it by mid February.

Ky • twopretzels.com said...

I agree, there is something about the crispness and coolness of the air.

Definitely something I like to experience/visit.