
As requested.

The back of Shaq's head.

A close-up of the back of Shaq's head.

Quite the photog I am, huh?
I'd never make it as a paparazzo.


MD said...

Booooooooo! You didn't even take both pictures.

I too should be given some (dis)credit for my paparazzi skills.

Mickey D. said...


We both suck.

Lori said...

How are we supposed to know that this is really Shaq Diesel and not some other 7' 3" black man???

Did you tell him how much you loved his work in the film "Kazaam"?

Mickey D. said...

I'll tell you how you know that's Shaq... because I showed the picture to my friend Dana and asked her to identify who it was and she said Shaq.

I don't know what more proof you would need?

Wrestling Kitties said...

hahaha! Yes, Kazaam was a fine picture!

M. who needs a picture of a celebrities face anyways, there are pics of them everywhere!! But the back of a head, that is much cooler!

I tried ;)

Iris Took said...

YESSSSSSSS! That is awesome! Look at that dude next to him (is he regular size?)

Thanks for posting! Good work team D!

Sad Panda said...

7'3" sounds big. And then you actually see it compared to a normal person. And you realize that in fact, yes, you would never be able to take Shaq in a fight.

Mickey D. said...

Yeah, the dude next to him was regular sized. Crazy huh?

I'm pretty mad we didn't get one of his face. He wasn't walking fast or anything, and there wasn't a big crowd following him. Our only excuse is our poor photography skills. Shucks.

Ky • twopretzels.com said...

A man of that size frightens me.