
He's Sexy.

This late afternoon/early evening I will be going to see the new Sex and the City movie! I cannot wait! And I'm going with my husband. Which I think is pretty damn cool. He's a fan. Although perhaps for different reasons than I? I like the wit and the fashion. He likes the wit and the boobs :)

I can't help but wonder... how many other men will be there? And I wonder how many men would like to be there but won't go for fear of getting razzed by their friends and society and whatnots? Hmm...


Ky • twopretzels.com said...

LOVE the new background and big upps to the original md.

I applaud his willingness to see the movie. (And the boobs.)

Ky • twopretzels.com said...

(I need your blog links back. That's how I get to your hubby's blog.)

Mickey D. said...

I'm not sold yet. I'm just playing around.

But I've added some links. I'll do more when it's officially official.

MD said...

Meh. My manliness is not defined by what movies and tv shows I like, what drinks I drink, or by the clothes I wear. I have a little bitty dog for chrissake.

I like the show for lots of reasons, boobs being one of them. The other is that as "empowering" as the show allegedly is to the fairer sex and for the guy bashing that does occassionally occur, I think it very accurately portays many lady folk in their neurotic tendencies, over analysis of guy-stuff and life in general.

In short, everyone gets their chance for some egg on the face. Or in Miranda's case for some spunk on the nose.

Sad Panda said...

Nothing I could possibly say could trump "spunk on the nose." Kudos!

B. said...

Heard on the radio the audience for the weekend was 85% women. $56 million in sales that is a lot of women.

MD said...

85%? That sounds about right. There were three guys (including me) and maybe 25-30 women for the matinee on Friday.

And let me be clear that many, many, many of those "ladies" nearly ruined our movie experience. First, shut the hell up. No one cares about your excitement, thoughts, or commentary. Second, shut the heller up. You and your friends are nothing like those characters. NOTHING. Other than broadly saying that one friend is a whore, one is a workaholic, and one talks non-stop about family/husband/boy, that is it. You don't make the money to live those lives. You aren't a tenth as fashionable. And you aren't funny.

I, however, could totally be Batman if I wanted to be.

Iris Took said...

I love the fact that MD embraces it. You go MD!

PS Like the background, keep it.

Lori said...

That's awesome that your hubby went with you! Nate and I are the proud owners of all 6 (7) seasons of SATC on DVD, and we watch them regularly. I would love for him to go see the movie with me, but I am going to see it with one of my girlfriends. Question: if Nate did decide to go with us, did they have a coat check at the door for his testicles?

MD said...

I think people make way to big a deal about guys seeing SATC. And guys make way too big a deal about watching it and liking it. How many "dude shows" and movies come out and do wives get dragged to? A whole lot. Does it make them less womanly? Nope. So why does seeing SATC (allegedly) emasculate a guy? I don't get it.

I think my wife can attest to the fact that I was just as manly when I walked out of the movie as when I walked in. At least I hope she can...

Lori said...

For the record, I don't really think men have to check their man parts at the door. That was my idea of a joke.

And I think it's noteworthy when men subject themselves to any event that is 85% women :)

Mickey D. said...

I'd say more manly because you happily went and saw it with me and thought nothing of it.

t.w.i.t., I knew you were joking. And 'man parts' is a funny phrase.