
I beg your pardon.

I am a woman with shorter hair. It's a cute little, now, kind of bob hairstyle. My husband loves short hair and I am thankful for that because my face is too long to have long hair. I also appreciate the fact that he doesn't think that long hair = necessary to be hot. He's not worried about people misinterpreting me for a dude, he just happens to fancy short hair. Cool. I happen to as well.

So imagine my dismay when I read that Eva Longoria chopped her hair off as to appear frumpy for the upcoming season of Desperate Housewives. Hang on just a second, pal. Since when does short hair = frumpy? I thought short hair = short hair. Or as something to try when you get bored and are looking for a dramatic change. Or because you're freakin hot in the middle of summer and can't take it anymore. Do people go into salons looking to be frumpier? "Eh, I'm feeling too fancy these days, let's cut it all off." Is cutting your hair the new "gain 85 pounds and wear ugly makeup in the hopes of winning an Oscar"?

Ugh. Someone get her PR rep on the horn, I'd like to fill out a comment form.


Ky • twopretzels.com said...

Eva Longoria is a drip.
She's boring.

You, however, look FANTASTIC in face-framing bobs.


And, hear hear to your hubby who likes short hair. (C. prefers short hair, too. As evidenced by my series of bobs, crew cuts and mushroom-esque hair throughout the years.)

Seriously, though Eva's melba toast.

Sad Panda said...

This is exactly one reason why I don't watch Desperate Housewives (*gasp*!), because I hate the portrayals they have on that show and the connections made to real life.

I cut off my hair my freshman year of college. I went from having straight hair that went to the middle of my back to short, curlier hair that was just below my ears. That was in no way frumpy. I don't understand the logic made in that show....

Hilary said...

Her PR people and everyone around her are idiots in general. I think she also "packed on" all of 10 pounds in an attempt to appear frumpier...you know, that super frumpy size 1/2 that i'm sure she's squeezing into now. Whatevs.

Everyone else is right - You look fantastic in short hair, and I think short hair generally looks sassy and chic :) So you go, friend! No frumpy here!

Traci said...

yeah i chopped my hair off earlier this summer and i hope i don't look frumpy.

so i wonder if eva thinks Posh Spice is frumpy with her "posh bob"?

i think eva's rep who released the "hair cut and weight gain" comment needs to get a big freakin' clue. she insulted a LOT of women.

Wrestling Kitties said...

ugh, she is so annoying. H. I am laughing at the "super frumpy size of 1/2" comment! haha

I love your hairstyle M., infact I love short hair in general. Some people need to get over themselves.

Iris Took said...

That's annoying. PS - Eva Longoria could never look frumpy anyway - which is also annoying.

Something I find irritating as a curly haired individual is that on make over shows they ALWAYS straighten hair and then say how much better it looks.

I'm with you Mickey D. And short hair does = hot! Your hair is cute and you wear it well!

www.thecrazydaisies.wordpress.com said...

I was just thinking at the movies tonight, "Why do all the sexy girls have long flowing hair." I just got mine cut in a shorter bob-like style. And so that made me feel like I should have long hair. But my face is long too and so long hair isn't all that great on me.

Here's to short sexy hair!!

Lori said...

I'm completely guilty of popping out a kid and then getting the obligatory "mom bob." I have no idea why women have perpetuated this myth that you get your hair cut into a bob to make your life easier. A bob is not wash and wear. I have to blowdry this thing into a perfectly coiffed little mushroom EVERY SINGLE DAY. I miss my ponytails.

But I do love short hair. I think it's so cute. Anyone can pull off long hair. Short hair is more of a "style." That is, unless you're me and you get really creative with trying to wear it up. Remember prom night or your wedding night when you barely had time for virginal sex (you can decide if that applies to the former or the latter) because you had to pull 8,000 bobby pins out of your hair? Yeah, that's me every night.