
It's no foul ball, but I'll take it!

Thanks to MD for being the employee of the month (yay!), we got VIP tickets to the Tigers game this weekend. VIP meaning 4 rows behind the Tigers dugout! We might as well have been in the dugout. We also got a free parking pass to one of the VIP parking areas. Unbeknownst to us, they apparently like to put VIPs on television...

That's us on FSN Detroit! In the middle of the eighth inning. Clear as day. Looking like a bunch of VIPs. My dad called us right afterward and said that we just had our 15 seconds of fame. Tiny totally saw us too. Thank goodness MD had the foresight to tape the game so I could watch it 18 times on the DVR. I just think it's hilarious! I mean, we were two of 42,000 people!

And this comes almost a year to the day after we were on tv sitting in the front row at the Late Show. That's pretty incredible. Next stop, Hollywood.


Wrestling Kitties said...

HA! That is awesome!

Now that you are so famous with all these TV appearances, are you going to be able to go out in public without people taking your picture?!?! If you need a posse, I would like to put in my application :)

Sad Panda said...

YAY! That's so great! You think you can put this on your business card? "Television Cameo Extraordinaire"

Ky • twopretzels.com said...

I'd like your autographs on glossy 8 x 10's when I get home. Please prepare them.

Tiny said...

Hehehe... So awesome:)

It was like you were totally famous when we saw you too. We felt as though we had a celebrity sighting of sorts...

Mickey D. said...

Ha ha! "celebrity sighting" Cute.

B. said...

That is Sweet! A. and I were on the TV once. It was during the AAA all-star game in Toledo. We didn't have VIP tickets or anything, but during the game I started getting phone calls from people saying we were just on TV. One girl I used to work with called me from Texas, another called from the bar and said you were just on the big screen. At home A's phone had messages from her boss and a couple co-workers it was sweet. I wish we had taped the game so I could have watched it, but I felt totally famous.

Traci said...

that's awesome! :)

Iris Took said...

YOU ARE FAMOUS! ....and super cute!

www.thecrazydaisies.wordpress.com said...

Very cool. You two look great! You should be very proud.