
Right back where I started from.

I'll tell anyone who will listen just how much I enjoyed Vegas. (So if you don't have 30 minutes, don't ask me about it.) Unfortunately for my Mom, she was forced to listen to me over dinner last night.

I was regaling her with stories from our trip, just going on and on about what we did, what we saw, the excitement, the fun, etc. In between bites of her quesadilla, she stops me and chuckles and says, "I gotta tell you... long pause, more chuckling... you were conceived in Vegas!"

And there you have it.

Turns out my parents thoroughly enjoyed Vegas as well.


Amber said...

This reminds me of the Chrysler commercial where the little girl asks her mom how she got her name. The mom says she was named after the place she was conceived (Savannah).

Good thing your parents didn't do that!

Also, I think it's very cool that your mom told you that!

Sarah said...

Hilarious. I can just picture your mom trying to spit that out!

Ky • twopretzels.com said...



Ky • twopretzels.com said...

(It all makes sense. The mothership (Vegas) was calling you home!)

Malissa said...

it's funny to me that it took 3 decades for mom to get this out in between bites of quesadillas

Mickey D. said...

Ha! It's true Trophy Life.

Although, I don't think I would have appreciated it as much without having been to Vegas. Now, I totally understand :)

Wrestling Kitties said...

HAHA! Awesome!!

Ky • twopretzels.com said...

Wouldn't it be something if history repeated itself?

Ky • twopretzels.com said...

I'm just sayin'...

Tiny said...

Hahaha... That's tremendous!

Sounds like you had a ton of fun!!!

Mickey D. said...

Hee hee, Two Pretzels! Maybe on our next visit ;)

Sad Panda said...

hahaha, that's so great!

My parents told me when I was about 14 that I was conceived after consuming an authentic Philadelphia Cheese Steak. They haven't had one since, nor have they gone back to Philly.