And, as a special bonus, it was dollar hot dog night! Opportunities like this don't come around very often.
As a longtime hot dog connoisseur, it's no secret that I find ballpark hot dogs to be spectacular summer cuisine. I had a goal of eating 5 hot dogs but I fell one short. I consumed a disappointing 4. A letdown to my husband and Kobayashi, the world-famous-hot-dog-devouring champion. I probably could have eaten 5, but I wasn't willing to dip my bun in water to do so. I consider it a feat nonetheless. I'm usually good for one hot dog, but when $1 dogs are presented, I simply must take advantage.
There were some 42,265 hot dogs consumed at the ballpark last night. 9 of those by the MD family from Toledo. Impressive, I say. Even more impressive is my husband consuming a hot dog in one bite. Yep, we are quite the impressive couple. Some circles might even call us classy.
i think Kobayashi was defeated this year, no? either way, i watched part of it and kept dry-heaving!
congrats to you and the Mister on this wild and crazy eating fest. you should be SO proud. i hope you captured that hot-dog-in-one-bite on camera!
No cameras, but the cavernous reaches of my mouth are widely known and witnessed. Perhaps one day you will be so lucky. I recall a particular giant cupcake in one bite feat performed at a friend's b-day party in Ann Arbor earlier this year. Good times.
And you are right Kobayashi was defeated this year (and last year) by America's own Joey Chestnuts. But Kobayashi changed the game. He is the Babe Ruth of competitive eating. Actually, given his girth, Babe Ruth may be the Babe Ruth of competitive eating.... I digress...
Ds - I am both impressed and jealous. See you at 5/3 Field. I would be willing to put myself and my little sister up against you two. Either way, we all win.
Don't be surprised if you find I carry a pack of cooked hot dogs and hot dog buns in my purse at all times. You know, just in case I run into you.
Very impressive, both of you! I would have thrown a $20 at the hot dog man and told him....just keep it coming buddy. There better not be an empty hand amongst any of us!!Of course that is guessing that beer is in the other ;)
Something about stadium dogs makes them so much more delicious. And in Cleveland, you get that AMAZING Cleveland Stadium mustard. Yum! I see your four hot dogs and I raise you two...
i am totally impressed that you ate 4 hot dogs. wow.
and i'm with t.w.i.t. -- stadium dogs in cleveland are THAT MUCH BETTER because they have stadium mustard. i always have a bottle of that in my fridge at home...but somehow it's not the same as when you're at The Jake. :)
Trophy Life - It makes me laugh that you dry-heaved watching the hot dog eating contest. Can you even imagine doing that? 50+ in a minute.
WK - I didn't even drink beer because I didn't want it to fill me up. I had some frozen Long Island Ice Tea at the beginning of the game, but I was trying to keep my stomach empty.
Iris Took & t.w.i.t. - You're on! Both of you. Bring it. Turtle Parade was convinced she could eat 5 easily, but only managed to down 3. It's not as easy as it sounds :)
And yeah, the Jacob's Field stadium mustard was pretty fantastic. Although it seemed a little classy for my $1 dog.
I'd like to add that I ate 5 before the first inning was over. No question I could have eaten many more but I opted to fill up on liquid dinner.
We will take on all challengers!
I was at the Tigers/Indians game on Wed night. A little sad that I missed dollar hot dog night on the previous night. :(
But i downed like 10,000 nachos with cheese. And a huge pepsi. And then a medium beer. I was feeling quite sick after that!
mmmmm...hot dogs. And I consumed my fair share at the stupid loss of the Hens to Indy on Wednesday.
Dogs are best eaten in their natual environment--ie: the ballpark. OH and A Packo dog with peppers wins my heart everytime!!!
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