First let me say, this post is dedicated to the Ticket Girl at the Ed Sullivan Theatre to whom I shall bestow my first born.
For reasons we will probably never figure out, Ticket Girl put a special sticker on our tickets giving the 4 of us audience upgraded seats. As it was later explained to us, this meant we would be receiving some of the best seats in the house! I was already excited, but this pretty much sent me over the edge. Not only was I going to be at the show, I was going to have prime seating. I would have been happy sitting in the far back corner in the back row. I didn't care, I was there.
So, after much hooting and hollering and jumping up and down, we returned to the theatre at the time we were told. After we got our audience prep and knew the run down of what was expected of us as "leaders" of the crowd, we filed into the theatre. Some of the people in this group knew people who work for CBS and they were told they were getting the best seats in the house - the balcony. Unobstructed view and a bathroom. (Those of us not in the balcony were not allowed to use the facilities once taping had started.)
The 4 of us walked in behind a lovely couple we had met and befriended in line. The 10-15 people in front of us were ushered to the seats on the right-hand side. Then the man in front of me was told he could go that way. Well, that way meant... the front row, center. Um yeah, the 4 of us were in the VERY FRONT ROW, an arm's length away from the stage. Upon realization of this, the woman in front of me and I started shreiking at the top of our lungs, OMG, OMG, OMG, WE'RE IN THE FRONT ROW! It was incredible, just pure raw emotional excitement. I had MD pinch me.
After we sat down the man from the lovely couple said to me, "Yeah, the balcony seats suck ass!" I agreed.
I had a perfect view of Dave during his monologue, the musical guests (the Smashing Pumpkins) and Will It Float. I could see the guests (Queen Latifah and some comedy writer guy) pretty well when they were seated and I could see the top of Dave's head. There really are a lot of cameras and cue card people walking around. But that's ok, I was as close as one could get. And I was thrilled.
Oh, if that wasn't enough, I know, how could it get better? I also caught the guitar pick from the bass player of the CBS Orchestra, who totally threw it right to me. So I even got a souvenir!
I don't think we could have had a better experience. Things were going our way. And I will remember that day and our trip fondly. It was perfect, perfect, perfect.
The show airs tonight (Friday) . You better believe we are DVRing the heck out of it! You all should watch for us. We'll be easy to spot right there in the FRONT!
The show airs tonight (Friday) . You better believe we are DVRing the heck out of it! You all should watch for us. We'll be easy to spot right there in the FRONT!
I still can't believe this all happened, I can't believe we were there. It'll probably hit me when we watch it tonight.
-- The picture above is of our tickets to the show with the audience upgrade sticker! We weren't allowed to keep them, but we sure as hell could take pictures of them! Sadly no pictures were allowed to be taken inside the theatre, but we got plenty of them outside.
Very curious how those tickets show up as blue as blue can be in the photos, yet were green as hell....
Those tricky Late Showers!
Sounds amazing! What a cool experience.
How freak'n AWESOME!!!!
That is the Karma you get for being such a loyal fan!!!! I am SO excited for you!!!
How amazing that you were RIGHT THERE in front of Dave! It was a great show. Woo-hoo!
Do the cue card guys act as stage security if you were to rush the stage during taping? Not that I would...
Also, having never heard Mike laugh before, I couldn't tell what joke he laughed at louder than anyone else.
What was it like watching the show on TV knowing you were there? How much of the show do they cut? Just curious.
- C
Woohoooo! How frickin' awesome M!!!!!
Well, tragically, my outburst of laughter made the cutting block, while Paul's "My heart is in my *bleepdickbleep* comment remained. Thus is life.
I thought watching the show live was alot like watching from home. It is a live taping, so it happened almost exactly as you saw it. During "commercial" breaks we were treated with music from the band until we restarted.
As for editing, there was a fair amount cut. A few "Fun Facts", a few cuts to Pamplona and the Bulls, and the *gasp* Top Ten related to Harry Potter. You will note that Dave asked, "Have you all seen the new Harry Potter movie" but did not get a raucous response. Well that's because it was the Monday taping of the Friday show and the movie did not come out until Wednesday. Whoops.
If I were to guess, I would say you saw 98% of what saw.
This whole experience makes me so happy. I LOVE that you saw him. LOVE it.
i'm so excited that you got to sit front row! excited isn't even the right word.....but extremely happy!
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