In case you can't read them, this very nice woman Alicia was vacuuming the office last night and unfortunately had some issues with a pair of socks that I had on my floor. One sock in particular was giving her troubles and she wanted to let me know she was sorry that it kept getting caught in the vacuum cleaner. She also wanted to introduce herself and wanted to let me know just which sock had the unfortunate luck of being sucked into the vacuum cleaner.
I found it very humorous, very odd, yet very kind.
I apologize to you, Alicia. I shouldn't have left my footwear on the floor. I'm ashamed. Thank you for keeping my office floor clean and honest.
In the first one did she say "Thanks Gal"?!?! and how did she spell sorry?
Awesome! very nice of her to tell you!
Keep your socks on woman. Ew.
I'm kinda with MD - what the heck were socks doing on your floor? lol -that was my first thought! Too funny!
That is so sweet.
She seems like a nice woman.
I don't understand, though...
Along with md and hilary I have to ask, why were your socks on the floor?
I'm afraid we are not focusing on what is truly important here. But I shall answer your questions anyhow...
In an effort to keep my feet dry and warm on a rainy morning, I put on these trouser socks. Once I got to work, I realized they looked dumb with what I was wearing so I took them off and obviously left them on the floor.
Now, let's get back to the real issue...
No, YOU get back to the real issue. When did the OCC become your personal hamper? :)
It was nice of the lady. If I were here I would have quit on the spot! Cheesey socks is where I draw the line.
That post is truly funny. I loved her note to you. I feel like that would've been a good way to start the day... with a laugh.
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